Sunday, June 16, 2013

Termites go Marching in Angkor Wat, Hurrah, Hurr..Ouch! Ouch!

It sure is nice knowing where you're going, but be sure to look down sometimes.  You may miss (or step on!) a massive but tiny moving world.  

I may have been bitten a few times during the filming of this video.  As it turns out, giant red ants hang on to your clothing and even continue to bite you hours later.

Worth it to pretend I'm a Nat Geo videographer.


  1. Crikey! That is more ants than tourists on the temples. Where are they all going? And was it worth it when they got there?

  2. I think this was a top security operation... half way up the tree you can see ants stationed facing outward to protect the trail. :)
